A view along the railroad in the organized port of Santos: a case study of sustainable logistics with multimodal operations


  • Washington Luiz Pereira Soares UNISANTA


Management, Railway, Modal Shift, Intermodal Transportation, Sustainability and Multimodal.


This analysis has started with a third-party logistics provider to supply the production plant by a container in Brazil. The methodology of this study case is exploratory research-based on environmental saving emissions identified in method of greenhouse gases inventory about data collected in costumers which moving freight by Santos Port Authority. It can be seen in the results that a better eco-efficiency for a significant reduction in environmental impacts along the chain


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Como Citar

SOARES, W. L. P. A view along the railroad in the organized port of Santos: a case study of sustainable logistics with multimodal operations. Revista Conecta, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 5, n. 1, p. 91–111, 2022. Disponível em: https://fatecrl.edu.br/revistaconecta/index.php/rc/article/view/33. Acesso em: 24 abr. 2024.


