Smart and sustainable cities, and advances in urban technologies
Smart cities, mobility, information technologyAbstract
Advances in urban technologies drive the development of smart cities. As decision-makers struggle to find a technological solution, smart city strategies are often based on technological orthodoxies that are conceptually and empirically shallow. This article addresses the conceptual adolescence related to the digitalization that increasingly interacts in cities, rethinking the double actors of democratic and environmental consequences. The research draws on interdisciplinary theory and insights from urban studies, infrastructure, information technology, and sociology to analyze how smart cities are being addressed. Based on the evidence in the towns of Baixada Santista it is argued that the underlying principle of the cities' future strategies is to expand the market for new advanced technology products and services to support green development but considering their broader impacts. Citizens, become active participants in supporting mobility and environmental policies to make cities smart and sustainable. Smart and sustainable cities are more resilient in the face of future social and climate risks.
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