Application of routing to reduce costs and improve quality in charter transport: case study in a technology company


  • Marco Olaniyan Fontes de Jesus Felix IFSP - Campus Suzano
  • Adriano Maniçoba da Silva IFSP - Campus Suzano


Roteirização, Custos, Solver


This work aims to identify, study and understand the use of the VRP Spreadsheet Solver tool, within routing, in terms of reducing transport costs, better structuring of chartered lines, greater precision and quality control in transport routes in the branch of freight forwarders, aiming at their application in the technology company XYZ Rotas, for this purpose, this article was based on bibliographical research, case study and analysis of customer data from the company above. The main results involve analysis of the optimal solution suggested by the determination of the number of vehicles to be used in the client's charter, optimal routes, consequently, reduction of the distances traveled, and the reduction of the chartered travel time, respecting customer restrictions. For these purposes, the tool, developed in MS Excel, by Professor Güne? Erdo?an, called: VRP Spreadsheet Solver will be used, involving techniques such as Solver and Operational Research, given the expected result of achieving greater efficiency and optimization in the reduction of transportation costs, cutting idle lines, establishing optimal routes, all of this leads to improvements in the quality of the service offered, using the mentioned system to achieve this purpose.




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Author Biographies

Marco Olaniyan Fontes de Jesus Felix, IFSP - Campus Suzano



Adriano Maniçoba da Silva, IFSP - Campus Suzano




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How to Cite

FELIX, M. O. F. de J. .; SILVA, A. M. da . Application of routing to reduce costs and improve quality in charter transport: case study in a technology company. Revista Conecta, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 7, n. 1, p. 2–17, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.

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