Job design, job crafting, autonomy, performance and satisfaction

An analysis of the growing knowledge production


  • Luis José Andrade Fatec Rubens Lara
  • Júlio Cesar Raymundo Fatec Rubens Lara
  • Laís Caselato Vilaronga Fatec Rubens Lara


Autonomy, Performance, Satisfaction, Job Design, .Job Crafting


The aim of this study is to analyze trends and variations in published investigations on Job Design and Job Crafting and their impact on organizational performance, autonomy and job satisfaction in the last 20 years (2000/2021). The methodology used in this meta-analysis follows the assumptions of Bailey et al. (2019), which consists of a systematic review of the empirical literature, according to recommendations of Briner & Denyer (2010) in five phases: (1) planning and project scope; (2) conducting structured research; (3) evaluation of research results against agreed criteria; (4) extracting evidence from the included items; (5) development of analysis/synthesis results for dissemination. The total number of the considered sample is 31,910 articles, available in 5 different databases. In conclusion, it was possible to verify a predominance of studies on Job Design and its continuous growth over the years analyzed. Despite everything, in recent years (last 6 years) there has been a marked growth in studies on Job Crafting, which may point to a replacement of models, focusing on the individual (individual characteristics of workers) as an alternative focus on the company (human resource management practices). The most studied impacts on the variables continue to be organizational performance, followed by satisfaction and, lastly, autonomy at work.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, L. J.; RAYMUNDO, J. C.; VILARONGA, L. C. Job design, job crafting, autonomy, performance and satisfaction: An analysis of the growing knowledge production. Revista Conecta, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 4, p. 43–64, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


